Saturday, September 13, 2008

i want a [ l i f e ] with out the tie

Seven days today, my life will take a big change. I will be moving to Uni. I still don’t know what to think about it. I mean people keep asking me if im scared and what not but im just thinking why the hell should i? I mean what am I going to get killed or raped as soon as I walk out of the door. I think not. I think im looking forward to this life change. Im not a family person and people know that, Gemma even said that the other day as we talked about Uni. Im a friends person. So I will not be feeling down because im moving away from my family because well im 19 years old people im not a baby and you know what birds leave their young at like what a few weeks once they can get food for them self’s. Turtles don’t even see their young.

So I really don’t understand why people would think I would feel sad abut leaving. My mother acts like im dyeing. She says I best call her or text her now and again and such and that I better come back during my breaks. I just think god get over it im a adult now I can live my life. I mean ill send a xmas card their way each year. I just don’t see the whole big deal that im moving on in life. Everyone has t do it at some point. My whole family from uncles to aunts to my rents they all live close to family. They all see them when ever they could. Gemma is moving back from uni to one closer to home because she missed it but me I couldn’t get away fast enough. The only other person in my family was my uncle he moved to black pool however he moved back. I don’t to be that person who gets his free done and then moves back to his home town. I don’t want that. So I plan on being that person that finds his self a life and moves from his home town to some where he can call his own home town and not one he was born into.
I want a life where I can call it mine, not one that I can say or yes my family live just down the road. That’s my plan, once im over with uni I will find a job some where not in Sheffield, if I have to move back their whilst I look I can Handel that but with out a doubt I will not be here when I grow old. I will not turn out like my family.


Josh Shepherd said...

Hey man don't be so cold to Sheffield, it is awesome and you know it.

Lukee said...

haha asiff:P

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